Sunday, August 4, 2024

Borderlands (PC) Review

I'm somewhat conflicted about Borderlands. Technically, it's a solid game. It ran smoothly on my setup with a 2560x1440 resolution, an i7-6700k processor, and a GeForce 1080Ti, without any issues.

However, the gameplay feels dated. Movement lacks a sense of weight, and I frequently got stuck on level geometry, especially in densely packed areas. The vehicle controls are also unconventional, using mouse-based turning rather than the standard WASD movement, which took some time to get used to.

While I appreciate the cel-shaded graphics, the environmental design left something to be desired. The heavy use of grey and brown makes sense for a post-apocalyptic setting, but a bit more variety in the visuals would have been nice, even considering the game's era.

The much-touted weapon variety didn't impress me. I found most of the weapons to be underwhelming and felt they lacked significance. I ended up sticking with a few weapons throughout the game.

I played as the Soldier class, which was enjoyable. The gunplay is decent, but the endgame felt dragged out with a series of padded quests that ultimately failed to deliver a satisfying conclusion, leading to some boredom.

I didn't explore the DLCs due to a packed gaming schedule, so I can't comment on their quality.

I cautiously recommend Borderlands, especially if you're a fan of the series and want to experience its origins. For others, it might be worth a pass.